I know some of the HN crowd are gonna wag their finger at me but the moment I have to deal with timestamps in Python, even for the most simplest of cases, I parachute in pandas. `pd.Timestamp` (and its friends like `pd.Timedelta`) in my opinion are the most powerful timestamp toolkit available anywhere.
To me it's very often easily worth the extra 50-150MB of install size that just works. I've used pandas for around 7 years now and it was inconsistent and buggy at the beginning. But these days, it's practically flawless. Also I'm aware that pd.Timestamp is built on top of many awesome libraries.
When I left Rails, this is one area I really missed.
Time.use_zone("Singapore") { (Time.zone.now - 3.days).beginning_of_week }
This readable line in datetime utils or even pendulum, is such a pain.