Okay, I have heard many good things about F# so I’ll give the (probably) kind people who work there two tips on how to get more people interested.
1. Release an easy to use web framework that deploys easily. (Rails clone)
2. Release an IDE which can graph from the command line (R studio or Spyder clone)
If you already have these (say a subset of .Net or visual studio / vscode) then the tutorials are misleading because they don’t seem the same.
https://github.com/giraffe-fsharp/Giraffe <- thin layer on top of ASP.NET Core
https://safe-stack.github.io/docs/intro/ <- slightly more opinionated but also .NET Core based.
I tend to mix F# and C#, Giraffe is great for sticking a slim web API or interface in front of .NET Core applications that use a combination of F# and C#.