> In his view, the only "defensible" reason to use SHA-1 at this point is interoperability with the Git forge providers.

Okay, but that's a pretty big reason! A git repo that can't be pushed to github/lab is... not always useless, but certainly extremely impaired.

In case anyone has forgotten, the process for pushing it to your own server is three shell commands. You run, on the server:

    git init --bare public_html/mything.git
    cd public_html/mything.git/hooks/
    mv post-update.sample post-update  # runs git update-server-info on push
(This assumes that your public_html directory exists and is mapped into webspace, as with the usual configuration of Apache, NCSA httpd, and CERN httpd. If you don't have an account on such a thing you can get such PHP shared hosting accounts with shell access anywhere in the world for a dollar or two a month.)

And then on your dev machine, it's precisely the same as for pushing to Gitlab or whatever, except that you use your own username instead of git@:

    git remote add someremotename user@myserver:public_html/mything.git
    git push -u someremotename master # assuming you want it to be your upstream
Then anyone can clone from your repo with a command like this:

    git clone https://myserver/~user/mything.git
They can also add the URL as a remote for pulls.

If you want them to be able to push, you'll need to give them an account on the same server and either set umasks and group ownerships and permissions appropriately or set a POSIX ACL. Alternatively they can do the same thing on their server and you can pull from it. There are reportedly permission bugs in recent versions of Git (the last five years) that prevent this from being safe with people you don't trust (https://www.spinics.net/lists/git/msg298544.html).

Of course source control is only part of the overall development project workflow, so for many purposes adding SHA-256 support to Gogs or Gitlab or Gitea or sr.ht is probably pretty important: you want a Wiki and CI integration and bug tracking and merge requests. But the git repo still works fine with a bog-standard ssh and HTTP server, though slightly less efficiently. It's easier than setting up a new repo on GitLab etc.

Running a git repack -an && git update-server-info in the repo on the server can help a lot with the efficiency, and for having a browseable tree on the server as well as a clonable repo I put this script at http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3.git/hooks/post-update:

    set -e

    echo -n 'updating... '
    git update-server-info
    echo 'done. going to dev3'
    cd /home/kragen/public_html/sw/dev3
    echo -n 'pulling... '
    env -u GIT_DIR git pull
    echo -n 'updating... '
    env -u GIT_DIR git update-server-info
    echo 'done.'
That's very far from being GitLab (contrast http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/dev3 with any GitHub tree view), and it's potentially dangerously powerful: if you're doing this in a repo where you pull from other people, and the server is configured to run PHP files or server-side includes in your webspace (mine isn't!) or CGI scripts (mine is!), then just dropping a file in the repo can run programs on the server with your account privileges. This is great if that's what you want, and it's a hell of a lot better than updating your PHP site over FTP, but that code has full authority to, for example, rewrite your Git history.

In theory you can do other things from your post-update hook as well, like rebuild a Jekyll site, send a message on IRC or some other message queueing system, or fire off a CI build in a Docker container. (Some of these would run afoul of guardrails common in cheap PHP shared hosting providers and you'd have to upgrade to a US$5/month VPS.)

People also forget about Gitolite, which provides lightweight shared access control around Git+SSH+server-repos. For me it's a much simpler alternative than systems with a heavyweight web UI. Although to be honest I don't know whether Gitolite handles SHA256 hashes (I've never tested it).

