I do not understand: why should I contribute to a project, fix bugs, implement new features and then pay for my own work? It's senseless... P.S.: I don't know how pull request are managed in TM2 project. If the author uses github only as issue tracker, it's another story.

You could easily have checked this yourself: https://github.com/textmate/textmate

One click. Fork. Done.

As has been adequately demonstrated: TextMate 2, as it stands today, is and shall remain open source. Anyone can compile it or fork it at any time. Furthermore, as it's licensed under GPL3, MacroMates is legally bound to leave the current code open source, and allow anyone to compile and distribute it freely.

Now, if MacroMates decides to create value-added services on top of the GPL3 distribution, and charge for it, it does not in any way make it less an open source project.
