> The game dev UI complaint is because game engines use geriatric 2-way mutable state management UI code that is error-prone and brittle. Web developers have solved these UI complaints and built tools like React that make creating UIs easy

Borderline satire.

I don’t know if that comment was mainly regarding web-based game UI libraries, but it seems on many other platforms there are many stateless immediate mode UI libraries available. Many based on (or inspired by) Dear ImGui [0].

By the way, I tried to use an immediate mode game UI in the past (Lua-based, SUIT), but somehow I feel more comfortable working with object-based UIs. Perhaps years of object-oriented programming has damaged my brain a bit :)

I think in the past the object-oriented was seen as a big improvement regarding GUI dev, but I guess with regards to game dev, it can be problematic wrt performance.


[0]: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui