>Most new Python projects are still about AI

Are there any that allow a user to run an LLM with GPT-3-ish capabilities on a single pc w/ <= 4GB GPU Ram in a reasonable amount of time?

Where "reasonable" is something like no more than a few minutes to get the output. A little longer wouldn't be too bad either since you could script something that submits prompts automatically and let things run in the background or something.

Trying to search for such a thing-- if it exists-- is nearly impossible right now with so much being done & talked about. Some content talks about running something on only 16GB GPU ram (!!!) which is far beyond many discrete cards. a 3080 has up to 16, some only 8 (I think 16 is the max?) and fairly decent entry level+ cards top out at 4GB.

Any options out there?

Yeah, that's possible now. You don't actually need a GPU to run inference against some of the smaller language models - I've heard reports of them running on a RaspberryPi.

The trick for the moment is to skip Python though. lambda.cpp and its many variants are the ones that I've heard working best.

I suggest starting with LLaMA 7B or Alpaca. More notes here: https://simonwillison.net/tags/homebrewllms/

This one is the easiest to get working I think: https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all