When I want compressed images, I prefer lossy codecs supported by GPUs. A nice thing about them, they decompress on demand by GPU cores, thus saving not just storage, also VRAM bandwidth.

For color images on Windows, D3D 11.0 and newer versions require support of BC7 decompression: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d11/b...

On Linux, some embedded GPUs I targeted supported ASTC decompression: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive_scalable_texture_comp...

The author of the OP also develops Basis, which is designed to take advantage of GPU texture compression formats. GPU formats are efficient in terms of memory space and bandwidth usage, but they have a fixed bits-per-pixel so they're not the most efficient for storage and transmission. There's also a rift between which formats are supported on desktop and mobile GPUs. Basis layers on a second level of variable-bitrate compression which is designed to be efficient to transcode to various compressed GPU formats (for both desktop and mobile) on the fly.


Delivering images in a GPU-friendly manner on the web could be a massive memory saver (PNG/JPGs end up being 32 bits-per-pixel in memory, while GPU formats are usually 4bpp or 8bpp) but web standards haven't caught up yet, for now the only way to display these formats on the web is inside a WebGL context. It works, but it's a lot of machinery just to show a picture.