I know this is tangential but I was trying to decide what I wanted to use to make an app that could be accessed from android, ios, and desktop in a convenient way. I am not a fan of how churny the js world is, and I come from a background in Swing/Qt/GTK/etc desktop development.
I evaluated HTMX as a not-js way to do modern web apps. It was fine, it was certainly interesting. I had some concern about how much pain I would be in for when I inevitably wanted to borrow something from the js ecosystem, like a charting library or something.
I actually ended up deciding on godot with gdscript and while I'm not done yet, I'm having a pretty dang good time. I'm a little annoyed that I have to pay apple to get it on iOS, but I have to pay apple anyway because safari is such an annoying odd one out from how firefox and chrome's renderers work. It's always safari that has weird things it doesn't like, in my experience. And I have hope that either Epic Games or Europe will manage to force Apple to let people sideload apps.
From what I could tell the sweet spot for HTMX would be much more targeted at adding some JS magic to an existing backend server based web app (i.e. Django, Flask, Rails) where the developer primarily is a Python/Ruby, HTML/DOM and database expert and doesn't want to get bogged down into supporting a full fledged frontend like React, Angular, etc. to add some UX flair to their mostly CRUD based app.
Native apps (i.e. iOS, Android, MacOS) purely in HTMX is probably not its sweet spot. Probably Electron (or Godot) would be better.