Apple M1 all day baby. Right now it's the best laptop hardware on the planet. Ride the wave. No fan noise and efficient use of battery. You carry around "desktop" power in a little efficient laptop package.
Software? I use tmux, emacs, firefox. My experience is very similar on GNU/linux, windows, or mac.
Mac window managment is a little wonky. So I installed the "rectagle" app for for simple window snaps and got on with stuff.
One caveat of M1 is when you run into tools/apps that aren't built for Apple Silicon yet and end up in a rabbit hole of dealing with Rosetta. But otherwise the battery life and how quiet they are is incredible.
For window management, check out Yabai[0] - it's an actual tiling window manager that can be customized in conjunction with skhd[1] for hotkeys.