Wanted to say, you can potentially do better than this in go for arbitrary JSON:

type JSON map[string]interface{}

Go ahead and use the json.RawMessage type instead:


Not even going to wade into the lack of generics war, still very happy without them and going on a full year of Go usage.

Yeah, I almost never use map[string]interface{} when unmarshalling JSON. Most JSON has a static structure (and I'd argue that any JSON that doesn't is misbehaving). If the structure is static, you can simply use a struct that represents this[0].

If it doesn't, then you just use json.RawMessage to defer unmarshalling, but you can still dispatch to a finite number of structs that represent the universe of possible responses.

[0] And no need to write it all out by hand - if you have a single example JSON response, you can generate it automatically: https://github.com/ChimeraCoder/gojson