what would it take to implement user mode linux (where syscalls are... stubbed from what I can tell? no... that's not right. where hardware is virtualized/mocked? i don't know the right terminology) for something like Mac OS X (arm64/aarch64) so that Mac users could benefit from "containerization" in a hipster way

I've never used it, but https://github.com/jart/blink is pretty much that. It's tiny and:

> We regularly test that Blink is able run x86-64-linux binaries on the following platforms:

> Linux (x86, ARM, RISC-V, MIPS, PowerPC, s390x)

> macOS (x86, ARM)

> FreeBSD

> OpenBSD

> Cygwin

From what I gather, it's in the "excellent but incomplete" stage. It's new enough.