It's Sunday, my dad was a COBOL programmer, sure I'll spend 15 minutes checking it out. The main site link on GitHub is a 404 though [0]. The "getting started" link in the README points to a release notes page and do you have to scroll down to find a PDF [1]. That said, the intro does start with VSCode and a plugin which provides language server support for COBOL (and PL/1!) and a CLI tool (Zowe [2]) for interaction with a Z/OS mainframe. This does seem like a pretty modern and up to date intro. Cool.

I do think this could benefit from someone making a nice "modern language" landing page for it. I remember an April fools joke from 20 years ago promoting COBOL as the hot new web language, maybe it's finally time :)




> I remember an April fools joke from 20 years ago promoting COBOL as the hot new web language, maybe it's finally time

Cobol on Wheelchair

Cobol on Cogs