> Go’s garbage collection is fully supported. WebAssembly is planning to add its own garbage collection, but it is hard to imagine that it would yield a better performance than Go’s own GC which is specifically tailored to Go’s needs

I don't think it's hard to imagine reading the GC proposal. The JS collector that might be reused could be off thread, something WASM can't (yet) do.

> Most file system operations are mapped to Node.js’ “fs” module. In the browser, file system operations are currently not available.

Please please abstract this. As a maintainer of a non-JS WASM backend, I'd love to use Go too.

> Especially a “goto” operation in WebAssembly would be very helpful.

I didn't look into the Go use case enough, but curious how much better this would be than the current labeled block and labeled break approach in WASM. WASM has fairly strict stack/frame rules/types, so arbitrary gotos wouldn't work.

>non-JS WASM backend

...what's a non-js wasm backend?

WebAssembly can be used anywhere. It is not tied to JavaScript in nature. So think of it kind of like the JVM in a way (but it's not an implementation, just a spec).

So people are using wasm in a non web context ?