The article is completely on point. Because of all the reasons exposed there (and a few more) I started Wasmer, a new container system based on WebAssembly -

Here are some advantages of Wasmer vs Docker:

* Much faster startup time

* Smaller containers

* OS independent containers (they can run in Linux, macOS and Windows)

* Chipset independent containers (so they can run anywhere: x86_64, Aarch64/ARM, RISC-V)

Is there a feature by feature comparison of wasmer to docker? I don't think Wasmer, while interesting, is a container system. It looks more like a bytecode vm.

Things I use and love from docker that to me feel "container"-y:

1. OSs as a library (FROM alpine:3.9)

2. Network namespaces so all applications think they are running on a machine with port 80 available

3. Service discovery through DNS

4. CPU and memory share allocation

5. Volumes (bind, temporary, remote)

6. docker-compose for single-command & single-tool development environments (all you need is docker and an internet connection)

Wasmer is an application-based container while Docker is a OS-based container.

Because of that some of the things that you posted are a bit hard to compare.

We believe that by having a VM (based on a industry adopted specification such as WebAssembly) we can control much more granularly both execution (CPU, memory) and the runtime interoperability with the system (networking, file system, ...), solving most of the issues that Docker containers have

What's the selling point of Wasmer over the JVM or BEAM?

JVM requires almost all your stack to be rewritten for it.

Because WebAssembly permits languages to be usable in the web, almost any other language (C, C++, Rust, Go and even Java) is now working to be compiled to WebAssembly.

Therefore you don’t need to adapt your stack to run it in Wasmer :)

> "JVM requires almost all your stack to be rewritten for it."

This applies no more to the JVM than to Wasmer. There exists WASM to JVM bytecode transpilers [0].

[0] -