I have been using a Dell 34" for about a year. I LOVE it.
I use Grid Move v1.19.62 to manage window positions via key bindings. I think this is critical.
My window layout is:
- full height, left 25%
- full height, center 50%
- full height, right 25%
- full height, right 75%
The left window is used for active references, and slack
The center is active composition or reading (code, web browser, email, reading PDFs etc)
Left 25 is for secondary references
Left 75 is for large code windows. I can get 4 nice columns in VIM if needed. But I usually try to limit to 3 columns.
I used to use a lot more window positions in my grid template, but that got ils quick.
I really like that my main focus can be directly ahead unlike using 2 large monitors.
It’s also nice if I need to blow up a large dwg or exlitronics schematic.
My one wish would be to have another 300-400 pixels vertical.
You can also try bug.n ( https://github.com/fuhsjr00/bug.n ). It is also written with AutoHotkey.