If anyone is put off by it being an Electron app and are running Windows, here's an AHK[0] script to get the hex code of the pixel color under your cursor and copy it to your clipboard:
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%, %MouseY%
StringLower, color, color
clipboard := SubStr(color, 3)
It's bound to Win+h (hex color) by default.
It's not fancy, but it works. You just run it in the background and hit the hot key to copy the color whenever you want to. There is no UI.
What's neat about it is the entire source code fits in a tweet: https://twitter.com/nickjanetakis/status/1108825825116332032
And it uses 0.6MB of RAM when running.
AHK can be used to trivially fix many usability warts you have with random software, and is powerful enough that someone implemented a clone of dwm tiling window manager in it (bug.n, [0], I used it for more than a year and can attest it works very well).