I use i3 on a Linux laptop, I really enjoy it.

Too bad nothing exists like that on Windows. Snapping or splitting 2 windows side by side (the Windows 10 snap feature) isn't enough.

On the bright side most of the other features that you would use along side a tiling wm can be used in Windows, and it's very good.

- AHK to manage global hotkeys and remapping keys

- Keypirinha to launch apps / folder paths with fuzzy search

- DexPot to have multiple virtual desktops that supports moving windows across them (same key binds as i3)

I made a video about 6 months ago showing some of these tools in use at: https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/a-linux-dev-environment-on-wi...

Although I changed a couple of things since then, such as I use Vim instead of VSCode, but I still use the above tools every day. They are really solid.