Jump's database is empty. This could mean:

1. You are running jump for the first time. Have you integrated jump with your shell? Run the following command for help:

       $ jump shell

   If you have run the integration, enter a few directories in a new shell to
   populate the database.

   Are you coming from autojump or z? You can import their existing scoring
   databases into jump with:

       $ jump import
Doesn't work afaik / Tried all doesn't work how do you set this up @elAhmo
I didn't have to do any manual setup, I used it on ~three machines so far. Maybe something is odd with your shell? Which one do you use?

I have seen other people suggesting https://github.com/wting/autojump too, so it might be worth giving that tool a look, it seems supported a bit better and more actively developed.