I like to use Makefiles for project automation. Does Buck make it straightforward to run phony target tasks? I have been considering transitioning to Justfiles, but Buck will obviously be getting significantly more expose and mindshare.
There's no such thing as a phony target, but there is both `buck2 build` and `buck2 run` - each target can say how to run and how to build it separately. So you can have a shell script in the repo, write an export_file rule for it, then do `buck2 run :my_script` and it will run.
Nuts. Possible, but I would be fighting the platform a bit. Especially if I might want something like phony1 to depends on phony2.
What kinds of things are you using phony targets for?
Make has quite a few flaws, but it is near universal and a good location to centralize all required project work. Even if the entire task is defined in a shell script elsewhere. That being said, I have being looking longingly at just[0] which is not just concerned with compiling C, but has task automation builtin from the beginning.