It's really wild seeing the tremendous amount of work being put in to ESM just to come up with a solution that still isn't as fast, secure, or ergonomic as bundling.

1. Import maps are basically a compile-time feature. I thought the point of all of this was to not have to have toolchains?

2. Imports significantly lag behind "old school" scripts in security. You can't use integrity hashes with them, and yet most the examples you see are about importing random scripts from all over the web. This is actually hilariously related to point (1), since you can only escape the realization that this is a feature a compiler is supposed to spit out if you direct the imports to some third party resource. So in order to contrive a situation where you would manually craft an import map, they are forced to show an example that is less secure than the stuff that has worked in every browser for 10 years.

3. Not directly related to import maps, but you'll probably end up using them together: in order to attempt to achieve similar performance to just bundling your code, the amazing solution we've come up with is to... put a tag in your head element for each script you want to be fetched immediately. Yes, so much better than the ridiculous old method of using a script tag for each script. Now you just use a link tag for each script instead. I'm sure someone will tell you that this is better because you don't have to do that. Yes, yes, so much better that the default behavior of script loading is slow unless you go read about a bunch of "tips and tricks" to get it working with reasonable performance.

It's always great to take one concept like "importing a script" and turn it in a an entire ecosystem of terminology that spans languages and platforms, custom JavaScript syntax for the imports themselves, a set of different HTML tags for actually getting them into your page (script, link, etc.), and JSON for mapping names to URLs. Great. Super simple.

ESM has always suffered from a weird shifting argument. Whenever you point out that the performance and security isn't great, all of a sudden it's a developer ergonomics feature, not meant to be for production. Then when you point you the ergonomics suck (like not being able to do bare imports), you're told you should be using it in tandem with a toolchain that auto-generates import maps or something. So what's the benefit? I already had a tool that could do that, and it worked in every browser and didn't ignore the the security advancements we made 10 years ago.

There are obvious benefits to having the granularity of loading and caching script files match the granularity of how those files are used on different pages or updated at different times.

Bundling everything is fine for most apps, but sometimes you have a need for code splitting, or sharing libraries between scripts from different origins, or some mix of preloading and dynamic loading. So it is nice to have a standard for these things.

Here here. Today, bundlers may get you to first page load faster. But if a user comes back and you've shipped two small fixes, all those extra wins you get from compressing a bunch files at once fly out the window & you're deep in the red. If you have users that return to your site, and your site is actively developed, bundling is probably a bad tradeoff.

We see similar fixedness in the field all over the place: people freaking love small Docker image sizes & will spend forever making it smaller. But my gosh the number of engineers I've seen fixate on total download size for an image, & ignore everything else, is vast. Same story, but server side: my interest is in the download size for what v1.0.1 of the Docker container looks like once we already have v1.0.0 already shipped. Once we start to consider what the ongoing experience is, rather than just the first time easy-to-judge metric, the pictures all look very different.

Then there's the other thing. The performance reasons for bundling are being eaten away. Preload & Early Hints are both here today & both offer really good tools to greatly streamline asset loading & claw back a lot of turf, and work hand-in-glove with import-maps. The remaining thing everyone points out is that a large bundle compresses better (but again at the cost of making incremental updates bad). The spec is in progress, but compression-dictionary-transport could potentially obliterate that advantage, either make it a non-factor, or perhaps even a disadvantage for large bundles (as one could use a set of dictionaries & go discover which of your handful of dictionaries best compress any given piece of code). These dictionaries would again be a first-load hit not different from a bundle's hit, but could then be used again and again by users, to great effect again for incremental changes.

Bundles are such an ugly stain on the web, such an awful hack that betrays the web's better resourceful nature. Thankfully we're finally making real strides against this opaque awful blob we've foisted upon this world, our users, and ourselves. And we can start to undo not just the ugliness, but the terrible performance pains we've created by bundling so much togther.