Curious world we live in, where the infrastructure behind so many OSS projects can simply be acquired.

What's preventing the dream of decentralization from taking off? We have the technology.

I remember some years ago when npm was having a lot of stability issues because the guy just was not being given adequate time/resources from Joyent or whatever, I made a post on r/node saying now was the time for a fully decentralized package registry.

The post if I remember was mostly ignored, but received a few downvotes and maybe a couple of negative comments.

Based on that, it seems that what's preventing decentralization from taking off is ignorance and apathy.

A day or two later the guy announced npm, Inc. if I remember.

There are actually a lot more developers that have accepted a federated services worldview than a peer-based fully distributed one. But there are package registry projects along both of those lines.

But again, ignorance, apathy, and the status quo remain the most popular options.