I've got a Hackintosh as my main system, I love it.

I dual boot macOS (default) and Windows 10 on it. A nice feature is that I can use my Windows installation while I'm using macOS through virtualization (Parallels), yet boot natively to the same Windows installation when I need the full performance.

Getting the Hackintosh working properly was hard as hell though, although I kinda enjoyed it since I'm a geek. Now that I've got it working, it works flawlessly. Recommended for people who want to save money/maximize performance and don't mind the grueling effort required.

How much effort was required?

I'm curious because I've been considering building one for a while, but the reports from idly skimming eg tonymacx86 are all over the place. Some say as long as you buy from their build guide it's very easy, and some people seem to have tons of problems anyway.

Virtualization (e.g. https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM) can help a lot by reducing your dependence on specific parts. If you stick with an Intel CPU and a motherboard with an IOMMU and a well supported graphics card you're pretty likely to be okay. IOMMU support has gotten to be super common, even on lower end processors and motherboards.