I'm running my home network IPv6-only since some time and it works fine thanks to DNS64/NAT64. I think once more ISPs start offering DNS64/NAT64 internally the transition will be quite unnoticeable for endusers.
Software that still does not work because it uses hardcoded ipv4 addresses or sockets: Steam, WoW (probably many other Games too), node/npm (before version 17), but for the most part it works! The offenders can also mostly be fixed using clatd.
I had not heard of https://github.com/toreanderson/clatd before, might be new to others as well:
" It allows an IPv6-only host to have IPv4 connectivity that is translated to IPv6 before being routed to an upstream PLAT (which is typically a Stateful NAT64 operated by the ISP) and there translated back to IPv4 before being routed to the IPv4 internet. "