I am betting on Vlang instead. Rust is too complicated for an average person - like me. It's basically the Haskell of system programming. V is basically Go made right.

I remember looking into V last year, it seems most of the discussion surrounding it was that it was vaporware.

Is that not the case? It certainly looks nice, but is it ready for use?

The main issue was that V promised automatic memory management like Rust, but without the "trouble" caused by the borrow checker, which is something anyone who knows about the problem more deeply would laugh at.... last I checked, they were still at the same stage as a few years ago with that: "it will be working soon". It will almost certainly always stay there.

Have you tried Vale or Lobster though? Research in memory management semantics is a lot more sophisticated than you might think.

Everybody is trying to make a more user-friendly Rust. The problem is that it is not clear yet whether that's possible, and if it is, how it may look. I know Vale and have tried it, though it's extremely early to judge anything so far. It does have a much stronger theoretical background than V, but even the theory is not completely clear at this point.

There is also Carp by the way: https://github.com/carp-lang/Carp