Mandatory plug of this article[0] describing how to use the Zig language toolchain to get easy cross-compilation with CGO.

It's really cool because cross-compilation is, imo, the most painful part of CGO - right after being incompatible with the whole runtime model, being blocking, and being hard to profile with Go profiling tools.


Disclaimer: Not affiliated with the author in any way.

Wow this is awesome, thanks! I'm working on a Go project that uses sqlite right now, and I thought I was going to have to use xgo[1], which is cool and all, but it's like an 8 GB docker container, and I'd still be worried about glibc issues.


The default go sqlite driver is, which is quite lovely, but I ran into issues with concurrency on read only databases.

I'm now using and it seems to address those issues (but I haven't gotten around to setting up a proper test to confirm). It may be worth perusing if you do run into performance problems. It does come with the caveat of not being a database/sql driver though.