I've heard the following opinion on the internet: "The sole reason Fucsia OS exist is so google can release GPL-free android sometime in the future"

How do you feel, is there anything behind this claim?

There's other reasons why fuchsia is arguably better, such as using a micro-kernel and being "capability-based." The license is liberal enough to allow relicensing it as GPL, if anyone cared to fork it.

yes, I'll try to sum up the article as i understand:

* better process isolation

* stable hw/driver api (this is a huge mistake in linux, agreed)

* less historical craziness(who likes fork()?)

* more micro-kernel

some of the things I personally cannot buy:

* vulkan native. android is not vulkan-native, it provides both opengl es and vulkan, for your choice

* flutter. why bundling and bringing opinions to the system becomes a benefit? it was a major problem with android that you have to interact with java if you want any native ui => I would prefer more ways/languages/bindings to interop with the UI

* fidl ipc. cool, again, why bundling something with the os?

* vDSO. why is even vdso on the slides - vdso is important, but it already with us for a decade.

This article is great because its one of the first that breaks down Fuchsia on a tech level. But at the same time, its not an article that explains all the reasons the fuchsia is better that what google have now.

> * vulkan native. android is not vulkan-native, it provides both opengl es and vulkan, for your choice

IMO vulkan-native is the right choice because opengl (or opengles, or anything else) can always be reimplemented on top of vulkan anyway. Layering opengl on top of vulkan means you're no longer at the mercy of hardware vendors to provide a bug-free opengl implementation. And if you're calling a userland opengl library running on top of vulkan, you can actually debug into graphics system and much more easily tune performance. (Debugging through into opengl calls is almost impossible when the opengl implementation is hardware-specific and part of the graphics driver itself).

Case in point. Google's ANGLE library has a in-progress Vulkan back-end. (Used for WebGL in Chrome and Firefox). ANGLE does only provide OpenGL ES, but then so does Android. I wouldn't be surprised if an upcoming android version required Vulkan suppport and Android shipped with ANGLE for OpenGL.
