I don't work in a shop where performance/speed is important, but I am looking for other ways to do things I would do in Make but...not in Make.

For example, my use-case is similar to what Mike Bostock described in "Why Use Make" [0] when explaining how he uses Make to build out his data tranformation process. Most of my work is data transformation/small-scale ETL, but I just haven't been able to get into Make beyond trivial work, and I often end up writing things in Rake (Ruby).

So I was wondering if other devs had tried using Buck/Bazel for everyday hobbies and projects, and whether you stuck with the new tool or went back to Make? The portability of Makefiles isn't a high priority for me, and I like experimenting with different systems for my own projects.

[0] https://bost.ocks.org/mike/make/

Closest in spirit to make, and does essentially all you want to do is "redo", concept drafter by djb, implemented independently by apenwarr[0] and by others. apenwarr's version has a super short "do" script (a couple of hundred lines of portable sh IIRC) which uses the same configuration but does a full rebuild each time.

The two weak points are: (1) multiple outputs from a compilation step (yytab.c yytab.h from yacc) is not properly supported, and (2) no windows support. Other than that it's the perfect minimalistic make replacement -- what make should have been.

Additionally, there tup[1]. With some assumptions about the build process that usually hold in non-distributed builds, it is the fastest, simplest make replacement; You just write a list of commands that builds your final outputs, and by tracing the processes it figures out exactly what needs to be done next time -- nothing more, and nothing less.

[0] https://github.com/apenwarr/redo [1] http://gittup.org/tup/