For anyone who this is news to: This is why I always call the "I don't care about cookies" extension an adtech submarine, because it deceives you into thinking it’s all about cookies, when the permission you give automatically in many cases are about tracking, so using that extension will often have you consent that fingerprinting you and creating a profile based on that is perfectly fine.

To me, the thing is that I can't count on the consent modals to actually do anything. Am I really going to invest time into checking their word? How would I even do that? That's on top of all the time wasted moving sliders or hiting "reject all".

For me, the cookie consent modals are the submarines. Why would I outsource the responsibility not to track me to the people with the incentive to track me? IDCAC, Cookie Autodelete, and strict tracking protection feels like the better alternative for me.

(From today onwards, I'll add resistFingerprinting=true to that list as well.)

Obviously this only is relevant for people who think companies care a bit about trying not to flaunt the law, I thought that was a given.

There are also proper consent blockers [0], but they are not as big because everyone tells people to use that please track me shit.
