Creator of Phoenix here. I'm happy to answer any questions folks have about LiveView, Phoenix, or Elixir in general. We've had some big LiveView features land recently with uploads and HEEx so now's a great time to jump in!

Business-wise, what do you think the sweet spots are for LiveView, Phoenix and Elixir right now? I love the BEAM ecosystem (I've been using it since 2004, on and off), but for a lot of places, Rails is still a great place to start. What kinds of applications have you seen where all the BEAM features just make Phoenix et al not just a little snappier, but a clear winner?

The sweet spots for me are:

1. It is much easier to trace things through the entire Phoenix stack than it is in Rails. It is also much easier to add things to the Phoenix stack using plugs.

2. Elixir is concurrent, whereas Ruby is not, so when performing long-running processes, you can just do them in Elixir/Phoenix without having to rely on workarounds like Sidekiq, Resque, RabbitMQ, etc.

3. Writing multi-threaded applications is much easier in Elixir than many (if not all) OO languages.

4. Pattern-matching for variables and functions, and binary pattern-matching for parsing text.

5. Mix.

6. BEAM, OTP, and supervision trees.

Looking more at things like #2. Sidekiq isn't terrible though, and if you get big enough, you're going to want some more management than just spawning a BEAM process to do something. What have people settled on for that with Elixir/Erlang?

You could use something like oban: