You really don't need anything fancy to implement a queue using SQL. You need a table with a primary id and a "status" field. An "expired" field can be used instead of the "status". We used the latter because it allows easy retries.

1. SELECT item_id WHERE expire = 0. If this is empty, no items are available.

2. UPDATE SET expire = some_future_time WHERE item_id = $selected_item_id AND expire = 0. Then check whether UPDATE affected any rows. If it did, item_id is yours. If not, loop. If the database has a sane optimizer it'll note at most one document needs locking as the primary id is given.

All this needs is a very weak property: document level atomic UPDATE which can return whether it changed anything. (How weak? MongoDB could do that in 2009.)

Source code at (We cooked this up for Drupal in 2009 but I am reasonably sure we didn't invent anything new.)

Of course, this is not the fastest job queue there is but it is quite often good enough.

You really really wanna do everything (locking, working, unlocking, deleting or completing) in a transaction, and use SKIP LOCKED to find work. It's actually pretty high performance when you so this.

do you have a more detailed example on how this could look like?