> I really like using Diesel because it generates all your SQL queries for you, from a typed SQL schema that it generates from your SQL migrations.

Fair that the author says that this is their opinion, however... I can't agree.

Maybe I'm too stupid, but for me SQLx is the real killer crate when it comes to databases.

Everything, from the migrate macro, to the way it validates at compile-time the types in the DB, feels (to me) very ergonomic.

Diesel, by contrast, I spent so long trying to set up and I never really understood the three different files that need to somehow be in sync and generated. I just never really grokked the split of these files and when to run the diesel-cli commands...

but SQLx is great, I often lament that there isn't anything comparable in Golang.

Why don't you use sqlc + pgx? What's missing from the two?

