I'm doing this year's advent of code with literate org-mode buffers using common lisp. Been a surprising amount of fun. And I'm coming around to the idea that the loop macro is where most languages are ultimately converging.

That and format. Which is remarkable. Certainly dense, but in a "this code is clearly responsible for making a string of that list, serves no other purpose." Something lacking in basically every other language, where a depressing amount of coffee exists simply to make a string of a list of objects. (Amusing, as Java finally got streams, which can look like LOOP, but with more periods. And probably more parens...)

> literate org-mode buffers using common lisp

That sounds like a blast, I wish I'd thought of that!

i think that orgmode notebook programing generally beats anything else out of the water, including jupyter. i actually dont uderstand why it hasnt gotten bigger attention in the communities thatvuse jupyter

as for cl, if you enjoy learning it in this way you can convert norvig's paip book from md to org format using pandoc
