(I work at Stripe, and I'm the author of the tweet cited in the article.)

The visual design and structural layout of the documentation is certainly not of Stripe's creation. That's all Jeremy Ashkenas. He gave us permission to riff on it a few years ago.

I called their docs a clone on Twitter because of the original elements that were copied: the language switcher along the top; sample curl invocations on the right, with sample responses immediately afterwards; etc. Even the tiny details, like the order of the sections and URLs themselves, are shockingly similar: theirs now too live at /docs/api. The strangest detail, in my opinion, is copying the motif of having a blueprint in the background on the homepage.

The end result is that they're pretty much identical.

All of this is fine. This is just a set of arbitrary design decisions, and they're absolutely free to copy them. We assert no ownership. But given how arbitrary the design choices are, the fact that they picked all of the same ones was somewhat surprising to us -- especially since there are many ways our docs could be improved. (We hope to do so soon.)

> The visual design and structural layout of the documentation is certainly not of Stripe's creation. That's all Jeremy Ashkenas.

For those curious, he's referring to Docco:



Which is used on the Coffeescript annotated source (amongst other places): http://coffeescript.org/documentation/docs/grammar.html