People who think that just because it's in C++ it's harder than the average web app to write, and lack of ability to deploy e.g. on macos without owning a mac or windows without having a windows partition (though there are solutions, but nothing as easy as what electron proposes).

I also noticed that a lot of people tend to choose electron arguing that unlike Qt (which is under LGPL), Electron is under MIT, but it seems that they are not aware that it's only the electron scaffolding part which is MIT, not the whole electron framework which includes chromium, ffmpeg which are also LGPL.

Though overall I'd wager that there's an order magnitude more cross-platform single-toolkit apps built with Qt than with other frameworks.

I have no idea about other platforms, but on Linux it's extremely easy to set up a cross-compilling environment for building macOS, Windows and Android applications. I'm not exactly sure if I want to have the applications I use be written by people who can't even bother to do one-time setup of their compiler toolchains if there's no ready-made script on GitHub that does it automatically, like there are for Electron.

I have a Qt app and don't have a mac. Can you point me to where I can create the self-contained dmg or app file w/ all the icons and such on Linux that works on mac? I am familiar w/ Qt's mac tooling that is only shipped with the mac install, but if "it's extremely easy" on Linux, I'd really like to know. for the compiler and libraries. You might be even able to simply install Qt there using MacPorts, so no manual compiling or unpacking the SDKs into osxcross's rootfs should be needed. A properly configured CMake project will make an .app file for you automatically (although if you'll want to bundle dependencies as dynamic libraries instead of using frameworks, you might have to fix linking paths with a script like - that was the hardest thing to figure out for me)

macOS icon file can be created with png2icns, Windows one with icotool.

Overall, the whole process is easily scriptable. I'm making small games in C with Allegro 5 and I'm using only GNU/Linux. It wasn't hard to make scripts to automate the whole process of making builds for Windows, Linux and macOS. Android was a bit more tough, but manageable - I wanted to have it all done with CMake instead of Android Studio though, so that probably made it harder. The hardest was "HTML5" build with Emscripten, but it works now. It's a pity that iOS is off limits for that though...

> for the compiler and libraries.

yes, I know osxcrooss but it is not legal to use if you aren't developing on apple hardware which makes it a bit cumbersome. Grep for "Authorized Test Units" in the xcode license linked in the repo.

It literally says (section 2.2, Permitted Uses and Restrictions):

"Install a reasonable number of copies of the Apple Software on Apple-branded computers"