If you cross-compile (which everybody using macOS to developer for Linux servers does), it's annoying to introduce SQLite to your project, because immediately the conventional `GOOS= GOARCH= go build` trick stops working. But, in case it's helpful, it's also really easy to set up a full cross-compiling environment, either with Zig or with Filippo's musl-cross:


I debated doing the pure-Go SQLite thing, but musl-cross worked just fine for me, and kept things simpler.

Cross compiling with zig is so easy. For example I use sqlite in Go projects on arm. The incantation is just:

    export GOARCH=arm64
    export CC=zig cc -target aarch64-linux-musl
    export CXX=zig cc -target aarch64-linux-musl

Cross compilation is always easy when there are no dependencies to the target platform SDKs. When it goes beyond basic libc stuff, then it is when the fun starts.

It seems fairly straightforward - copy over the SDK header files and libraries to the project and then add these envs to the build:

    CC="/path/to/cross/compiler" CGO_CFLAGS=—I/path/to/sdk/header/files/include" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/sdk/obj/files/lib”
I suppose with .so files, you might have to specify "-Wl,-rpath" if the SDK libraries don’t reside under /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib on the target system. But I haven’t actually tried any of this yet, so I could be wrong. Are there any gotchas that I’m missing?

Now do the same as Windows UWP SDK, or iOS SDK.

You're missing all the tooling and OS specific steps required to produce a proper package.