So frustrating. You got like 80% of the way there, and then went "nope, too much work" and diverted to add more complexity.
The answer is to write the SQL yourself, and the scan methods yourself. Code generation is better than ORM, but still a wrapper, still adds complexity, and still brings problems.
Yes it's a pain in the arse to write all that boilerplate in one go (pun intended). But if you'd started without an ORM you'd have written them one at a time as you needed them and barely noticed it.
Keeping your code aligned with your database schema is very little effort - database schema changes are usually rare and significant.
I write a view for each access method (so I can change the schema without worrying about changing every access method), and a function for each update/insert/delete (for the same reasons). It takes maybe 20 mins to write the whole set each time I have to add a feature with new data, which is a rounding error in the time it takes to write all the rest of it.
The point is that the database schema is optimised to storing data in the best way possible. The middle layer is optimised for processing data in the best way possible, and the front end is optimised for displaying data in the best way possible. None of these three things are equal. Use an interface between each of them. The interface is important and needs to be carefully considered.