I use Postgres SKIP LOCKED as a queue.

I used to use SQS but Postgres gives me everything I want. I can also do priority queueing and sorting.

I gave up on SQS when it couldn't be accessed from a VPC. AWS might have fixed that now.

All the other queueing mechanisms I investigated were dramatically more complex and heavyweight than Postgres SKIP LOCKED.

Do you have an example of such a queue somewhere?

I think I have a rough idea about how it works because I implemented something similar about four years ago in PostgreSQL but kept getting locking issues I couldn't get out of:

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33467813/concurrent-craw...

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29807033/postgresql-conc...

Also, what kind of queue size / concurrency on the polling side are you able to sustain for your current hardware?

There's a few libraries implementing this:

https://github.com/mbuhot/ecto_job for Elixir

https://github.com/timgit/pg-boss for Node.js