It's somewhat understandable; OpenSSL is a bit of a mess, and the two most recent occurrences have made me seriously think about learning more crypto in order to write a replacement, ala DJB (cf sendmail/qmail, bind/tinydns). Of course, while I think I wouldn't make any buffer overflow errors (I've got tools and training for that), I'm fairly certain I wouldn't get the crypto right the first time, and probably not the second either . . .

That being said, I too get annoyed at a few misguided POVs:

1) "Open source sucks!" - This bug would probably never been found, and even less likely would it have been fixed had OpenSSL been closed source.

2) "C sucks!" - OpenSSL would not be so widely used if it was written in another less portable, less efficient language, and besides, bad code can be written in any language.

I'd be fascinated to see what the results would be if the problem was tackled by somebody who was both capable of getting the crypto right, and willing to use DJB's substdio or any of the various equivalents.

DJB already wrote his own crypto library, NaCL:

It's been packaged up as libsodium:

That said, even DJB doesn't trust himself to write bug-free C code: