This looks cool, but I dislike the naming. Calling a queue "queue" would be so much more readable than "que", and so on. I think the everything-is-three-letters gimmick is overall a drawback. Also, would it really hurt that much to write "#define PRIMITIVE" instead of "#define P"?

I've had the opposite complaints on my similar but verbose library. Some want short names and some want full explicit names.

I'm not sure which way is more popular. Paul Graham has mentioned in several essays how programmers are lazy and want to type the minimum number of characters possible. On the other hand Elon Musk has loudly complained about acronyms and contractions.

In the end you can't please everyone, so the developer just has to pick a style and go with it. If you dislike the short names, it's easy enough to put a comment above the template instantiation explaining what's going on.

I think a lot of this has to do with what people develop with. If they are a vim person then typing long names is annoying, but if they use any type of IDE, the autocomplete removes that hassle and the benefits of having a clearer naming convention can shine.

In case anyone reading doesn't realize, Vim can do keyword completions. It isn't automatic, but out of the box, you can press ctrl+n to move through a list of possible completions.

Not as elegant as some IDEs I'm sure, but if typing is stopping you from using longer names, this could help.

Also, for IDE style completion: