I think APL is very beautiful as someone who has longed to learn it from afar and not yet had the time, would be very curious to get more insight into how it changes the way you approach problems in both APL and programming in general, and how it gets you to think differently.
If I recall correctly, the Dyalog branch of APL allows for variable names? I kind of like the idea of zero variable names and all strange symbols. The reasoning that after you learn those, you can read any program and understand what's going on at every step, without needing to check what each function actually does -- that sounded very intriguing to me.
And the reason that "checks out" (or may) I guess is that the language's primitives are very carefully chosen such that you have a kind of extreme economy of "words" - so your LOCs will be so low such that you may not need to abstract lines into mysterious function names to reduce the number of lines a person has to read to understand what a program does. Aka the economy of words more than compensates for the lack of abstraction.
However, given the aesthetic that you express, I think you might like https://github.com/Co-dfns/Co-dfns/. This is hands-down my favorite kind of APL, in which the data flow literally follows the linear code flow.