And here I am still on Java 8 :/

I mean, that's OK though. Not sure why this is considered such a bad thing. You're missing out on some new language features, sure, but Java 8 is still reliable and rock solid. There's lots of companies that have hesitation or even inability to upgrade, hopefully there's at least some initiative and/or direction to do so.

A company that is head-in-sand deliberately not upgrading from Java 8 is one thing. A company that is just being conservative and intentional about the upgrade path, that's another entirely different thing.

I don't mind a company that has been using Java so much that it's just a slow process for them to get on the next thing. Old libraries that need to be recompiled for Java modules, etc. Hopefully it happens for you soon.

There's very little reason not to upgrade from Java 8 at this point. Everything should be a drop-in replacement and there are significant performance benefits (garbage collection is leagues better) to doing so.

The bigger problem is that a lot of places are stuck on Oracle JDK - 8u252 is the last free version so a lot of places just decided they'd never upgrade, nor do they want to look at whether Temurin or Coretto would work for them (the answer is usually yes).

> Everything should be a drop-in replacement

This is not true for many applications. Due to the removal of many APIs from the JDK with Java 9, I needed the following dependency artifactIds to be able to move a JEE application with SOAP web services to Java 11: jaxb-api, jaxb-core, jaxb-runtime, istack-commons-runtime, jboss-jaxws-api_2.2_spec, glassfish-corba-omgapi, jboss-annotations-api_1.2_spec, activation, jboss-saaj-api_1.3_spec, saaj-impl, stax-ex, jsr181-api, txw2.

Many of these spec API/implementations are provided by different artifacts that are incompatible with each other. Some I only discovered when something failed at runtime as they perform implementation lookups and you don't get compile errors.

Additionally, many of the Maven plugins we used no longer worked and our application server failed to start.

Are you really actually using CORBA? That would be heartwarming if so. Maybe just RMI over IIOP?

It's far less exciting I'm afraid: we use [0] to generate our DB IDs and it implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity.

We could fork it and remove the interface or switch to ULID[1] instead.

