Sorry, but you truly need to re-educate yourself on how excellent native compilation supporting infrastructure like GraalVM is. So many HN folks have some decade-old view of old programming language and tools without trying anything out for themselves. And get stuck in a "bias bubble".

It takes ~2minutes TOTAL to download, install and compile Graal VM against Java sources to produce a ~11MB debug build native binary. Utterly painless and even measured. You can reduce that considerably further to ~4MB by seeing what modules contribute to the size using the Graal VM dashboard and choosing to omit them with a flag.

Frankly, I found it easier to work with than your Rust+Go standard as I can easily see exactly which modules contribute to binary bloat-up and choose alternatives.

There are also excellent, first-class frameworks built from the ground up for Java native compilation like

I'm sure it's easier with Java, and I apologize for not being clearer. I have recent, unpleasant experience with Clojure, not java. That said, I would still be (pleasantly!) surprised to hear of someone using a sqlite java library and having it work without a hitch on native-image.

Sadly, another baseless assumption. I just downloaded sqlite java driver from And compiled their sample program on the home page (creates db with table and some rows) to native code. I did all this within ~2min after reading your response.

Its very, very hip nowadays to worship Rust/Go and bash Java and gain HN karma from the younger generation while doing so, but at-least do it on real facts and not assumptions.

    javac && native-image -cp .:sqlite-jdbc- Sample 
    name = leo
    id = 1
    name = yui
    id = 2    
    ls -al sample.db                                                                                               
    -rw-r--r--  1 OMIT  OMIT  8192 Apr  1 22:22 sample.db