There are other python implementations like pypy which includes a JIT (Just In Time compiler). There are other jit which can run with official python (cpython) like numba (not all code can be optimized, but if you only need optimize your hot code path).

You can use a superset language of python called cython that generate C code. It can be used to generate C bindings or fast python (for cpython) modules implemented in a python like code.

You can use a really fast language like C, Rust, C++,... create python wrappers with cython, swig, Boost.python, cffi,... and use python like glue code.

Python is not a fast languages as others, but there are tricks to make fast programs.

Can you use Django with those optimisations or are they good mainly for scientific computing?

Have a look at Cinder - - it's Meta's performance oriented fork of CPython that they use to run Instagram (which is a big Django app).