Having skimmed the README, I failed to grasp what it is. I would appreciate it if the README featured a clear one-sentence summary of what the tool does. Like...

> cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output

> nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

> at — execute commands at a later time

Anyway, it's good to see new conceptual tools being developed for the Unix Toolbox, keep up!

I think the first example is pretty good:

> Build targets clean, depends, all, without occupying the terminal

This accommodates a workflow where one wouldn't prefer to just open up another terminal to do other stuff (maybe you're not in a graphical environment, maybe there's no tmux, etc.). With just the shell features, one could do `make ... && make ... && make ... &`, but that would cause bothersome output that would prevent you from effectively working in the same terminal. One could redirect the output of those commands, but then you lose it, or you have to think of where to collect it. This provides an alternative where you can background and still have convenient access to the output when you need it.

The other use is something like:

$ nq mpv $youtube_url

$ #work... work... work....

$ nq mpv $next_youtube_url

so that the next starts when the first finishes.

The mpv example was my main thought. If you want to add something to a playlist using mpv's playlist feature you have to stop and restart mpv.

It probably isn't as user friendly as you'd want, but you can reload the playlist by firing commands at a socket. See the "JSON IPC" section in the mpv man page, and specifically the load* commands. jo¹ and socat² are probably the simplest way to use it if you're not looking for heavy scripting.

The scriptability of mpv is really nice if you're the sort of person who likes building your perfect environment, and also a huge pit of addictive time sinks.

¹ https://github.com/jpmens/jo

² http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/