After trying out most of the kubernetes ecosystem in the pursuit of a declarative language to describe and provision services, Nomad was a breath of fresh air. It is so much easier to administer and the nomad job specs were exactly what I was looking for. I also noticed a lot of k8s apps encourage the use of Helm or even shell scripts to set up key pieces, which defeats the purpose if you are trying to be declarative about your deployment.

Helm charts are declarative way of deploying app(s) and their accompanying resources.

Helm, however, is objectively terrible with its yaml-based templating language and zero practical modularity.

Indeed. Helm offers great features but it suffers from the kubernetes unnecessary complexity and by using golang templates in YAML.

When I started with kubernetes I converted my small Docker compose files to kubernetes files. Later I rewrote everything in helm charts. Now it's almost more YAML and golang templates lines than business logic lines in my applications.

I'm considering to go back to Docker compose files. It's simple, readable, and easy to maintain.

Highly recommend trying Jsonnet (via and as an alternative. It makes writing Kubernetes manifests much more expressive and integrates better with Git/VCS based workflows. Another language like Dhall or CUE might also work, but I'm not aware of a kubecfg equivalent for them.

Jsonnet in general is a pretty damn good configuration language, not only for Kubernetes. And much more powerful than HCL.

If you like those, I'd take a look at Grafana's Tanka [0]. It also uses jsonnet but has some additional features such as showing a diff of your changes before you apply, easy vendored libraries using jsonnet-bundler, and the concept of "environments" which prevents you from accidentally applying changes to the wrong namespace/cluster.


I looked at it, I don't like it for the same reason as I dislike many other tools in this space: it imposes its own directory structure, abstraction (environments) and workflow. I'm a fan of the kubecfg-style approach, where it lets you use whatever sort of structure makes sense for you and your project.

It's a 'framework' vs 'library' thing, but in the devops context.

I worked on this at previous gig -

Same use-case but uses Starlark dsl instead of jsonnet