Can people tell me what useful program were produced in Haskell ? I know a few for Ocaml but I dont know much Haskell, so dont know yet any useful program written in Haskell. The program I know for Ocaml are: - coccinelle (semantic patching used by linux kernel devs) - FramaC (formal verification) - Coq (proof assistant) - Rust compiler (I think they bootstraped the language by writting a compiler in ocaml first, now the compiler is written in rust itself)

I just saw pandoc. It seems nice. I know parsec. But I would like to know what kind of haskell programs are actually used in real life ? I know Jane Street does all their dev in Ocaml. Is there similar company for Haskell ?

Facebook uses Haskell for [Haxl](, Standard Chartered has a their own Haskell [compiler]( and a massive code base in Haskell. [Agda]( and [Idris]( were mostly written in Haskell as well.