My current workstation is a dual-Xeon Gold 6252 with 1 TiB of ram. The next one will be either Threadripper Pro or Epyc. AMD have just knocked it out of the park; I want to reward them.

Damn. What are you working on that needs such a powerful machine?

Electron apps

You know I have so much mixed feelings about Electron apps.

One one had, the performance really sucks.

On the other, there's no way we would've had Spotify, Slack, Teams, and all these big apps supported on Linux.

In my experience, the performance of Electron Apps is even worse than WINE.

I second this. WINE is fast in comparison.

Wine Is Not an Emulator ;-)

But seriously -- wine should have equal performance to running a program "natively" on windows because it essentially is running the program natively, just with different system DLLs that call back to the linux kernel instead of the NT executive.

Their implementation may be slightly slower in places, but it's not a problem inherent to Wine itself, and could always be fixed.

I know there's a stigma against running win32 apps on linux, and possibly rightly so, but there really isn't a reason why Wine couldn't be a legitimate runtime environment for linux. You can make 100% open source software that targets Wine, and never needs to use or link to proprietary software.

Wine has even been ported to architectures where there have never been native windows ports, like the ppc64le port of Wine.

(Wine/win32's binary interface is also easier to intercept and automatically translate/emulate calls for non-native architectures, which is the basis of WoW64 and x86 on ARM emulation, and in Wine land, projects like Hangover )