I’ve been trying to use FreeCAD for a while now and keep going back to OpenSCAD because, ironically, the FreeCAD UX feels grotesque (I used Fusion before, and have a history of 3D modeling that harks back to things like Caligari and Maya).
OpenSCAD is great for a lot of the simple electronics enclosure stuff (once you master hulls), but does need better control over 2D extrusions and sorely lacks fillets and chamfers (which are essential for proper finishing of joints and outer edges). Those have been long-standing issues that haven’t been addressed by the core project (or, as far as I know, any forks), and kind of prevent me from going all in on it (although I do use it the most, and prefer writing out the geometry to drawing it).
I have also been looking into the CAD Sketcher plug-in for Blender, which is somewhat unpolished but pretty decent for simple things, and may eventually move to that altogether—although Blender STL meshes usually need a lot of cleaning up.