This pretty much mirrors my experience. Rust is the inverse of Perl: It makes the easy stuff hard.

Writing basic data structures isn't a niche, esoteric edge case. There may be a crate that "solves" what you're trying to do. But does it rely on the std---(i.e., is it unusable for systems programming)? Is it implemented making gratuitous copies of data everywhere? Does it have a hideous interface which will then pollute all of your interfaces? Does it rely on 'unstable' features?

Then, there's the 'community.' It seems to consist solely of extremely online people who get a dopamine hit from both telling people they're doing things wrong and creating the most complex solutions possible. They do this under a thin veneer of forced niceness, but it's not nice at all.

On top of that Rust might be the ugliest modern language.

People keep saying this and I just do not get it. It's just… not that bad?

It's not about actual ugliness, it's just something that is hard to articulate as something other than ugliness.

It's amusing to me that many of the people who complain about the aesthetics of Rust's syntax are quick to also say bad things about, like, Haskell, or Lisps, or other languages with comparatively low syntactic overhead.

I think the thing people don't like about Rust is that it looks vaguely C-like but is clearly not C. People might like it better if it was further removed (aesthetically) from C's syntax. But then they would also complain.

I think there was no way for Rust to meet all its semantic goals and also make people happy about the syntax.

Typescript and Zig are two other languages that look vaguely C-like (even though they are on two opposite ends of "C like"), but both are a whole lot easier on the eyes than most Rust code.

C++ on the other hand also is vaguely C like, but can look equally messy as typical Rust code.

OTH I find Makepad's Rust style very readable, but I can't quite put my finger on it what's different from other Rust code bases: