YouTube has suddenly encountered a rash of “comment reply scam/spam” where if you reply to a famous YouTuber someone with the same profile picture will reply almost instantly with a generic thank you / won a prize type comment and try to get you to use telegram or discord. It’s all so pitiful.

As for Twitter the check mark might actually be useful if it disappeared the moment you changed your “display name” but we can’t have that!

I just got my channel added to an 'alpha' of their new spam prevention algorithm... and it seems to be working so far (fingers crossed).

I was getting around 300 spam replies to comments on my videos per week up until the alpha started—now I'm getting 0. So maybe they finally cracked that nut, but I won't count my chickens before they're hatched.

I still run YT-Spammer-Purge[1] daily, but it's come up dry for the past week now.
